Tiny the Turbine is a story written by Lyndsey Ward with cartoons by Josh and available as a PDF download for £5.
Lyndsey was asked to write a children’s book to counter the wind propaganda that has been allowed into schools.
It follows on from her tale of Subsidy Sam, a satire primarily for adults also written to counter wind industry spin.
Those who are concerned at the indoctrination of children regarding industrial wind development should ensure that a copy of Tiny the Turbine is given to their local school to show the other side of the wind ‘education’ currently received by our children.
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Please note – The Digital Download plugin does not work with the latest version of WordPress but I am trying to fix it. Please contact me direct for a PDF copy.
Lyndsey writes:
“Tiny the Turbine is a story that really is for children. Following Subsidy Sam’s release it was clear that there was a need for something that would help children understand the negative impacts of large scale wind developments. Happily Josh agreed and we have worked together to produce this second story specifically for children. Subsidy Sam is a dark tale but Tiny the Turbine is a moral and uplifting story and shows that it is possible to succeed in fighting against the bad things in life no matter how daunting it may seem.’
For printed copies, any commercial resale or reuse please email Lyndsey Ward